Learning Spanish FAQ

1. Q: Why should I study Spanish?

A: So many reasons!

2. Q: How can I learn Spanish on my own?

A: Find excuses to practice it!

3. Q: Can I learn Spanish by reading books?

A: Sure! Here are some suggestions for getting you started.

4. Q: How can I prepare for big Spanish tests?

A: Relax! Here are some ideas.

5. Q: How can I get good grades in my Spanish class?

A: Participate!

6. Q: Do you have any fun facts about Spanish?

A: Sure do!

7. Q: Do you have a Spanish trivia game?

A: Yes. Yes I do.

8. Q: How can I do well on my Spanish Oral Exam?

A: Here are some great ideas!

9. Q: What are you looking for in a Spanish Textbook?

A: Excellent question! Here is my wish list.

10. Q: What is the difference between “ser” and “estar” anyway?

A: That *is* a great question!